想起black box recorder的歌词life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
这片子最后十几分钟的校园戏单独我就可以打五星了音乐和场景简直棒得起鸡皮疙瘩主角的设定全片邪典的气质抓着腰撞了起来水流了一地加上一点恶趣味的校园喜剧混合相当有意思很久之前这电影刚出来的时候我只是看了剧照就觉得表哥过瘦没以前好看了多年后的今天看完片子严重被打脸这样的表哥请和我三天三夜non stop non stop老板我要请假
Loach's sobering yet poetic realism offers a down-to-earth look at an adolescent's ache from and obstinacy against poverty, indifference, abuse and violence, along with his desperation to find hope, symbolized by the kestrel, in the face of the bleak outlook of life.